CAHPSTONE: A podcast on heritage conservation
Wondering about what heritage conservation means today? Everyone has an idea of what it is, but come and take a deeper dive into the field and learn about the ways in which we sustain our past for future generations. Come and listen to experts and specialists in a range of professions who work with historic and cultural places - which is just about everything out there! Enjoy our podcast that is regularly released on all platforms.
CAHPSTONE: A podcast on heritage conservation
CAHPSTONE Conversation with Carly Connor
Welcome back to CAHPSTONE - a podcast about all things heritage related!
This episode is once again hosted by Stephen Collette, the building manager for Faith & the Common Good. His expertise as both a building scientist and a 'building biologist' has led him to work with hundreds of faith community buildings to create sustainability plans to reduce energy and environmental impact.
This episode's featured guest is Carly Connor. She has worked across academia, heritage masonry construction and Building Science Consulting. She thrives at bringing the heritage community together to work collaboratively to solve project challenges and provide solutions. Carly is on the Board of the Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals, chair of the CAHP Education Committee and an active member of the CAHP Advocacy Committee, focusing on embodied carbon, policy, climate action and circularity.
Carly is the incoming co-chair of the Association for Preservation Technology Technical Committee for Sustainable Preservation and the CAHP representative to the Zero Net Carbon Collaboration for Existing and Historic Buildings. Carly has practiced within the Engineering Community over the last decade, focusing on mentorship and development of women across the industry. More recently, Carly is the CEO and Founder of Green Salvaged Materials - a consulting and materials company that focuses on generating the connection between the heritage and sustainability communities through discussions around adaptive reuse, deconstruction, material salvage and reintegration of used materials into the design ecosystem.
We have many more exciting guests that will be featured this season. Be sure to follow the CAHPSTONE podcast on Apple, Spotify, or Amazon podcasts to be alerted when new episodes are released!
The Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals (CAHP) is a national membership-based organization that serves qualified heritage professionals in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. CAHP establishes standards of practice, shares knowledge about heritage conservation, and supports the involvement of heritage professionals whenever places of heritage value are being identified, preserved, restored and rehabilitated.